As you may know, my usual mode of transport is the Mitsibushi Pajero
which has a certain amount of style and a commanding presence on the road.
So you can imagine the look on my face when they asked me to get in this
Courtesy car
Even I recognised it as a Skoda
( I'd rather walk said I )
They tried all sorts of tricks to get me in the back
but I wasn't having any of it.
Marion finally decided to meet with my demands
which were.
1. I will only sit in the front seat.
2. Marion is to teach me how to drive.
Paul had to sit in the back.
I think I've mastered driving now and have been looking on eBay
for my own vehicle.
that's a hint for my Christmas present!
I didn't mind roughing it a bit but I'm glad to see the Pajero back.
I've got used to my mirrored windows, I can see you but you
cant see me, a bit like one of those long limos the film stars use.
ok Caddie, I'm gonna try to post a comment again, not having much luck. Glad you've got your chariot back